limits to Discover

Limits is a state of mind, focus on what you want to achieve and discover there are no limits.

Nothing is impossible when you want it.
just focus on it!

It all starts with what you aim to achieve, the adjustment process and perceiving time
is just the way to get it done!

Dream it

Dream it what you want to live
the way you want to live it

Give effort

Give the maximum effort to reach
your dream with spent no time

achieve goal

Achieve your goal with trying and trying
and finally live your dream

Unleash yourself
relax yourself

The time it takes to reach what you have set is the path to completion.
Just stay focused on what you want to succeed.


I was born in November 2007 and began his athletic career at the age of 3, with guidance from my father Chris Panteleakis, who was a Greek champion in racing, on the category of 125cc in 1999 and in 2000.

1st step

I began my racing carrier in 2015 at the age of 7, and continue until today, both domestic and international, participating in the Italian CIV championship, European and Greek championship.

Next step

After four years of systematic engagement, training and love for motorsports, On my spare time, I enjoy bicycle riding, “hoverboarding”, video games, and hanging out with my friends.

my Sponsors

What they say about me

Here is what they say about me, into the racing field, from my team, from my sponsors, & from my friends!

At Yamaha faithful in supporting the efforts of young athletes, we have recognized the talent and morale of the young rider and stand by him from his first steps abroad in supporting his quest for an international career. We are proud to support the Greek rider.

Extra Products and I personally congratulate you on your racing successes and your racing ethos. We wish you tο fulfill all your racing goals. You and the other small riders who started the mini GP a few years ago are the best that has happened in recent years on the Greek racing motorcycle.

An exceptional, constantly evolving rider who has the potential to represent Greece at international events.

I am very moved by the effort of this amazing kid that I know from the day he was born I am sure he will succeed and i will be by his side until he reaches the World Championship.

A happy kid full of energy and a lot of talent in what he does. I’m glad to be with him. It makes us proud as Greeks.

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My latest news

Here you can read my latest news about my effort in the racing field or my appearance in my sponsors event.

Visit Me

Athens, Greece

Contact Hours


Give Me a Call

+30 210 8100501

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